What is The Best Way To Drink Matcha Tea?

Beyond being a fad, matcha tea is an ancestral Japanese drink whose main purpose is to fill you with antioxidants and delay the passage of time, at the same time that it is beneficial to speed up your metabolism and fill you with energy.

It is also important to mention that the regular consumption of matcha tea strengthens the defenses, reduces cellular inflammation, and prevents the appearance of cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

Also, it remineralizes your body, matcha tea has a high content of minerals and vitamins, making it ideal for any lifestyle, especially if you live in a place with a lot of stress or are a multifaceted person.

And it improves digestion, as it is rich in dietary fiber, helps improve the peristaltic movements of the body, and regulates blood sugar levels. Also, matcha tea contains many vitamins of which we can mention:

Vitamin A: Three times more than carrot

Vitamin B1: Five times more than spinach

Vitamin B2: Seven times more than spinach

Vitamin C: Four times more than avocado

Vitamin E: Nine times more than avocado

As you have seen, matcha tea is an incredible drink with really wonderful properties. However, many people wonder what is the best way to drink it and the answer is traditional. The traditional way of preparing matcha tea consists of placing the matcha in a large bowl known as chawan to which hot water is added and diluted with a bamboo whisk known as chasen until the mixture achieves a homogeneous consistency and forms a foam layer.

By using traditional tools such as chawan and chasen, the matcha tea is perfectly diluted and with a beautiful and beautiful layer of foam on its surface. If you don’t have these tools and you want to make a traditional matcha tea, you can change the chawan for a bowl and the chasen with a whisk.

Although the traditional preparation is the best when making matcha tea, over the years a modern style of preparing this wonderful tea has emerged. The modern style of making matcha tea is to simply mix it vigorously with water or incorporate it into a blender when making a healthy smoothie or vigorously mix it with water or juices in a container creating unique flavors with various ingredients. However, as it is not done traditionally, matcha tea is not usually diluted correctly.

Among some delicious recipes of the modern style of matcha tea we can find:

Original Matcha: You only need half a teaspoon of 100% matcha tea, dissolved in a hot cup of water; you can add a touch of coconut or almond milk.

Matcha latte: Half your favorite non-dairy milk and half hot water; along with your half teaspoon of matcha tea.

Matcha Smoothie: This drink is undoubtedly one of my favorites. You only need a glass of unsweetened coconut milk, a teaspoon of matcha tea, half a cup of mango, lots of ice, and stevia to taste. You’ll love it!

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