Perfect Boba Tea completely from Scratch


The perfect boba tea is made from tapioca pearls and is ideal for drinking in hot weather. Bubble tea or boba has taken the world by storm and because we love it so much, today we are looking at how homemade boba works, and how to make bubble milk tea and other boba from scratch at home.

Boba Tea

Boba tea was originally from Taiwan, and with many flavors and varieties was something to look forward to after school for so many students. Once the parents also discovered it many of us started to make it at home, and it was easy to do and popular with the mother’s group. The black pearls from the brown sugar and tapioca give added flavor.

1. Milk Tea with Tapioca Pearls

Milk tea with tapioca pearls can have 325 calories or more. So we will try to cut it down by using less sugar. This is how it’s done.

Home Made Boba

Make a big brew for the hot Summer weather.

· Add 4 cups of water and one tablespoon of brown sugar over medium heat. Once the sugar completely dissolves allow it to cool.

· In a separate saucepan cook the tapioca pearls for 8 to 10 minutes

· Steep tea leaves as for a cup of tea and cool, removing tea leaves with a strainer or sieve.

· Add ice to glasses and add tea and milk with simple syrup to make the best-iced milk tea.

If leaf tea is too labor intensive you can use tea bags, but use strong ones to get the flavor. Leaf tea makes your Boba taste more authentic, black tea is ideal.

Sitting down with friends and a cup of Boba tea is ideal for all-year-round entertaining.

2. Mango Boba

When you are creating a special homemade boba with Mango use a bubble tea shaker to get the consistency right.

· Add 4-6 cups of boiling water to two tablespoons of brown sugar and cook until dissolved.

· Blend two cups of chopped mango in the blender for several minutes.

· Make black tea, eliminate all tea leaves

· Cook tapioca pearls for 8 minutes, and allow the mixture to cool and refrigerate for later use.

· Mix all ingredients together

To serve

Pour over large amounts of ice in tall glasses, this is one of the favorite summer tapioca pearl drinks, that everyone asks for. Now and again for the ‘Boba Cocktail’ add one measure of vodka, that blends in perfectly for that special occasion.


For the children of the family, one of the best things to do with Boba tea is to add ice cream. They will add their favorite scoop to the milk tea Boba, and join the adults in making their own version of bubble milk tea, Everyone enjoys the tapioca pearls, which are starch extracted from the Cassava root, a Southeast Asian vegetable officially making tapioca good for us! It is perfectly safe for those on a gluten-free diet, who often find it a challenge to get variety in their diet as they can’t have grains. So tapioca pearls are more than a novelty and are here to stay.

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