Matcha Tea Benefits
A typical day starts with a cup of hot tea for many of us. For fitness freaks, it is green tea, for tea lovers it could be ginger, cardamom or an Iranian Tea. Whatever be the flavor, tea has come a long way on our everyday list.
When it comes to green tea the world is now obsessed with Matcha. Matcha tea benefits us more. Many other forms of tea have taken a backseat owing to the highly nutritious blend and benefits of Matcha tea. This exclusive beverage from Japan has now become the mantra of many Café shops across the globe that includes the famous Starbucks.

Matcha – Primer
One of the finest quality green tea powder native to Japan is now serving the world. This tea is infused with Japanese culture for centuries. Matcha powder is celebrated in the traditional tea ceremonies of Japan. This tea form is also used as a food coloring and flavoring agent.
When green tea leaves are processed in a stone grinder to give an elusive powder, the result is matcha. This powder is then sieved and whipped with hot water to give you the perfect matcha tea. Now we can understand why this tea is costlier than others.
In short, matcha is To Rub’ Matsu and Tea is Cha.

Matcha – Production
Though matcha tea leaves are grown in numerous sites, the best of this is from the southern half of Japan where their growth is more prevalent. Matcha green tea is enclosed by direct sunlight up to 20 days prior to their yield. This is the distinguishing feature of green matcha from other varieties.
The chlorophyll levels of the plants are improved thus increasing the production of L-Theanine. This amino acid which is naturally found in tea plant helps in relaxing and stimulating the body simultaneously. This is one of the many matcha powder benefits.
The best buds are only picked up and are either rolled out flat before drying or laid out to dry. This varied mechanism produces two different flavors of mocha green tea, One named Gyokoro and the other is Tencha.
Tencha is the tea leaf which is removed from veins and stems, is stone-ground to give you the finest matcha powder.

Matcha – Permeating
There are two ways of brewing Matcha, a thick version and a thin form of the tea. Usucha is the most common preparation which is the thin form and Koicha is the thicker type. To get the denser form of matcha just add half amount of water and twice the amount of matcha powder. To get the desired thick potion the mixture is kneaded using a bamboo whisk instead of just mixing. Koicha takes the center stage during the traditional tea ceremony using the premium matcha powder. The next grade of this powder is used to make the thinner version, Usucha.
It is to be noted that these two grades of matcha powders cannot be swapped.

Matcha – Packing
Owing to the delicate structure of this premium grade tea powder, proper care should be taken while storing matcha. The container should be airtight and kept away from light. The ground matcha powder has a shelf life of about a year. Once opened it should be used pretty quickly to derive the maximum of matcha tea benefits.

Matcha- Paybacks
Let us discuss some of the plentiful matcha tea benefits:
Matcha tea is well known for its nutrient-rich components, antioxidants, fiber, and chlorophyll. Matcha tea benefits are all other green tea variety, as the whole leaf is consumed and not just the infused water. A glass of matcha tea is often compared to 10 glasses of green tea nutritional content.

The naturally occurring amino acid found in matcha tea is known to be a good mood lifter and mind soother. It is consumed by Buddhist monks to aid in meditation. The unique taste of this tea is branded by a rich smooth taste.
The matcha tea benefits are also due to the small amount of vitamin and minerals it has. It is a prized beverage owing to the rich polyphenol compounds known as catechins, a class of antioxidants. A study indicates that a component of these antioxidants is linked to cancer cure, virus and heart disease. After discussing the trendy matcha, give a shot and stay calm.
Have a new try now, sencha matcha tea .