If it is the first time you are learning about bubble tea or have tasted it for the first time, you need to know that this tea has been around for decades. Bubble tea was first invented in Taiwan in the early 80s, and with time, its popularity has grown in other states. What makes bubble tea stand out from the rest of the teas is how it is made and the components added to it.
How is the tea made?
Bubble tea, also called boba tea/boba milk tea, consists of blending tea base with milk.
After this, you need to blend the content with fruits and fruit juice to add a touch of sweetness to your tea.
Lastly, get that kicking bubble taste by adding tropical pearls as the toppings and then serve.

This leads us to our primary question: Is bubble tea a food trend?
Well, the answer is an absolute yes. Bubble tea is a food trend that has immensely grown, and we will prove why this tea is quite popular all over the world.
The growth rate
According to a Fortune Business report, by 2019, the bubble tea had sold up to 2.09 billion. Also, they stated that by 2027, this tea is anticipated to reach sales of up to 3.39 billion, which could be higher than the price predicted.
Why is boba tea so popular?
This tea has been able to stay relevant and continue to be relevant due to its flavour. The flavours are versatile, something you cannot achieve with other types of tea. Bubble tea includes fruits, which means that you can add different kinds of fruits to create your flavours. Also, note that you can add other toppings or more toppings other than the standard tropical pearls.Is bubble tea addictive?
Don’t be surprised if you end up being a boba addict. Remember, the tea is made using milk, tea base, and fruits like regular food. However, if you tend to drink boba tea often, you may become a boba addict due to the high level of sugars the tea has. Typically sugars are easy to dissolve in the body, and they tend to have a good feel effect whereby you feel happy due to the boosting of the hormone dopamine. This will lead you to claim more tea, resulting in high consumption of sugars.

Is boba tea harmful?
Keep in mind that this tea is excellent refreshment, and if you feel you are low in energy, a cup will be excellent for an energy boost. However, the tea is packed with high content of sugars and carbohydrates, which means that high consumption of it will increase sugar levels in your body, leading to weight gain or other health issues like diabetes. So, it is crucial to take it in moderation.
Bubble tea is an excellent example that your tea should not always be bland, and you can enjoy it any time of the day. The versatility in making the tea has made it famous, and its sweetness is on another level. However, as the saying goes, “too much of something is poisonous”. So, make sure to consume this food trend moderately for your health.