Is boba a tea or milk?

Boba tea, also called pearl milk tea or bubble tea is a Taiwanese drink made in many different ways. The simplest way to make boba tea is with black or green tea and sweetened condensed milk. However, some people like to add fruit for flavor and color to the drink. For the past couple of years, there’s been debate about whether this beverage is tea or milk. It might seem like an easy question at first glance. But if you think about it more, it becomes difficult to answer.

Is It Milk or Tea?

So, is boba tea milk or tea? The answer to this question may depend on your opinion. There’s been debate about whether this beverage is tea or milk in the past couple of years. It might seem like an easy question at first glance. But if you think about it more, it becomes difficult to answer. Boba tea can be made with black or green tea and sweetened condensed milk- that would make it a type of tea. However, some people like to add fruit to the drink for flavor and color, making it a type of milk.

Some people say that because there is milk in the drink, it’s not tea. Others say that because the milk is added as a topping and not as the main ingredient, it can still be considered tea. Whether you think boba tea is milk or tea determines how you enjoy the drink!

Why Do People Think It’s Milk?

It might be impossible to say what the original intent for this drink was. But at some point, people started adding milk instead of sweetened condensed milk. Some people say that milk is the key ingredient in this drink, making boba tea something other than tea.

This drink is made from black or green tea and milk. It’s called a pearl because it has small tapioca balls or pearls added to it. These tapioca balls are often flavored with fruit flavorings like strawberry, mango, blueberry, and more.

Some people enjoy eating these tapioca balls because they taste like candy! It’s not until someone takes a sip that they notice no sugar in this drink. The tapioca pearls add a lot of sugar to the drink without any effort on the person drinking it. The lack of sugar might be why many people think this beverage is milk instead of tea.

Another reason people think this beverage is a type of milk because when you look at it in a cup, it resembles white chocolate hot cocoa more than any other type of tea-based beverage does. This makes sense when you consider that most types of tea don’t have any color at all, while boba tea does have color from the tapioca pearls.

Why Do People Think It’s Tea?

Bobba tea is made with black or green tea and sweetened condensed milk. So, people might think that it’s a type of tea because of the flavors used to make it.

The drink’s name is also a big factor in why people might believe that it’s a type of tea. Pearl milk tea sounds like “tea,” which might confuse some people who aren’t familiar with this drink. It also seems like a piece of cake to answer this question if you’ve had boba tea before. But here are the ingredients: black or green tea, sweetened condensed milk, and fruit (depending on your preference).

 If you’re trying to figure out whether it’s more milk than tea, we’re going to break down the ingredients and talk about their roles in the drink and what they do for your body.


Although it might not be the most important question in the world, there’s a lot of confusion around whether or not Boba Tea is milk or tea. What’s the answer, then? Well, it’s both! The bubbles in Boba Tea are made of milk, and the tea is mixed in to make it sweet. This is why some people think it is milk and others think it is tea.

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