How to make your own bubble tea from scratch ?

Instead of champagne, celebrated with bubble tea at your party or your home. It’s the most wonderful treat that will take you back to your childhood and even spice up your entire life once you start doing it. Rather than going out for coffee, you can make your bubble tea. It’s a way for you to connect with your family and friends. Preparing your favorite tea can be a means of easing your homesickness. You’d ease your search for stores that take all the time and effort to create their drinks properly, brewing their tea from leaves rather than powders, which might leave that telltale aftertaste though. Here are ways of making your bubble tea from scratch;


Teas with a strong flavor, like black or jasmine, are the finest to use. You want a robust tasting tea that will keep its taste after being diluted with milk and ice cubes. For this recipe, you can use Numi’s Chinese Breakfast Tea, but any strong tea would suffice. Another recommended tea blend is Assam and Ceylon teas in equal proportions.


This brand of tapioca pearls takes about 10 minutes to prepare. The texture of these pearls is the best as they cook quickly. (Slow-cooking tapioca pearls can take up to an hour to prepare.) These tapioca pearls are available at Asian stores and on Amazon. However, leaving the pearls in their cooking water allows them to keep their soft texture for longer. Please remember to put it another way, that is, once you’ve drained the hot water, don’t turn it off.


Whole milk is preferred since its rich flavor enhances the overall taste of the beverage. Try a heavy-creamed version of bubble tea. While the flavor of the tea is superior to that of the whole milk version, it seems excessively indulgent. Using half-and-half could be a nice compromise. Nut kinds of milk or soy milk can be used to make a dairy-free alternative. On the other hand, after you’ve tried canned coconut milk, you’ll notice that it leaves a peculiar taste on your tongue, that of coconut fat coating your mouth.


Any type of sweetener will suffice. If you prefer using honey it’s better to add it while the tea is still hot, this will enable the honey to dissolve evenly. Granulated sugar is the same way. Of course, you’ll have to guess how much sweetener you’ll need until the bubble tea is ready to taste. At the very least, you’ll require two. Prepare simple syrup and consider that everyone has different preferences for sweetness. The preparation of simple syrup is simple. In a saucepan, heat a glass of water, and 1/2 cup sugar to boiling. Take the pan out of the heat after the sugar has completely dissolved. Leave the simple syrup to cool then bottle it up and use it as you desire.

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